
作者: 时间:2021-03-21 点击数:


刘素稳,女,博士,教授,硕士生导师,食品专业实验室主任,食品科学学科方向带头人,校学术骨干,教学骨干,优秀教师。河北省科技专家库专家,先后获得河北省“三三三人才”工程三层次人选,河北省 “双百双千”工程科技英才,河北省食品学会青年科技创新奖,秦皇岛市燕赵英才,秦皇岛市“最美”女科技工作者,秦皇岛市“巾帼建功”标兵等荣誉称号。教育部青年骨干教师浙江大学访问学者。

多年来,一直从事食品营养学,食品功能性作用机理与产品开发、果蔬产品加工综合利用方面的研究。河北省燕山特色果品加工技术创新中心,主任。近年来获得河北省科技进步三等奖2项,获得河北省山区创业三等奖2项。承担国家自然科学基金1项,河北省人才创新团队项目1项,河北省重点研发计划和创新能力项目3项,河北省自然科学基金面上项目1项,成果转化项目3项,市厅级项目9项,完成成果鉴定9项。发表论文108篇,其中高水平SCIEI论文索引论文50多篇。出版教材3部,授权发明专利9项。河北科技师范学院学报编委,《Food Chemistry》,《Journal of Functional Foods》、《LWT-- Food Science and Technology》、《Journal of Food Biochemistry》、《International Journal of Food Engineering》、《Journal of Food Processing and Preservation》、《Food Bioscience》《食品研究与开发》、《天然产物研究与开发》和《食品质量安全检测学报》等杂志审稿人。




  1. 代表论文

1. Suwen Liu, Chun Zhang, Shuo Guo, Fang Yuan, Hao Wang, Xuedong Chang. Insights into the in vitro digestion, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties of hawthorn polyphenol nanoparticles[J]. LWT-- Food Science and Technology, 2023, 182, 114804.

2. Suwen Liu, Wenhong Jiang, Chang Liu, Shuo Guo, Hao Wang, Xuedong Chang. Chinese chestnut shell polyphenol extract regulates the JAK2/STAT3 pathway to alleviate high-fat diet-induced, leptin-resistant obesity in mice[J]. Food & function, 2023, 14(10):4807-4823.

3. Suwen Liu, Jincheng Yu, Mengfan Fu, Xinfang Wang, Xuedong Chang. Regulatory effects of hawthorn polyphenols on hyperglycemic, inflammatory, insulin resistance responses, and alleviation of aortic injury in type 2 diabetic rats, Food Research International, 2021,142,110239.

4. Suwen Liu, Zhang Lu, Chang Liu, Xuedong Chang, Buhailiqiemu Apudureheman, Shiguo Chen, Xingqian Ye. Castanea mollissima shell polyphenols regulate JAK2 and PPARγ expression to suppress inflammation and lipid accumulation by inhibiting M1 macrophages polarization, Journal of Functional Foods, 2022, 92, 105046.

5. Suwen Liu, Jincheng Yu, Shuo Guo, Honglei Fang, Xuedong Chang. Inhibition of pancreatic α-amylase by Lonicera caerulea berry polyphenols in vitro and their potential as hyperglycemica gents. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 126109288.

6. Suwen Liu, Fanna Meng, Dong Zhang, Donglin Shi, Junyi Zhou, Shuo Guo and Xuedong Chang. Lonicera caerulea berry polyphenols extract alleviates exercise fatigue in mice by reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, skeletal muscle cell apoptosis, and by increasing cell proliferation. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022, 9:853225.

7. Suwen Liu, Lu You, Yanxue Zhao, Xuedong Chang*. Hawthorn polyphenol extract inhibits UVB-induced skin photoaging by regulating MMP expression and type I procollagen production in mice, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 8537-8546.

8. Suwen Liu*, Qianqian Sui, Yanxue Zhao, Xuedong Chang. Lonicera caerulea berry polyphenols activate SIRT1, enhancing inhibition of Raw264.7 macrophage foam cell formation and promoting cholesterol efflux. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67, 7157−7166.

9. Suwen Liu, Xuedong Chang, Jincheng Yu, and Weifeng Xu. Cerasus humilis Cherry Polyphenol Reduces High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in C57BL/6 Mice by Mitigating Fat Deposition, Inflammation, and Oxidation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68, 4424−4436.

10. Suwen Liu, Qian Xu, Xinyuan Li, Yuehua Wang, Jinyan Zhu, Chong Ning, Xuedong Chang, Xianjun Meng*. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on physicochemical properties, enzymes activity, and antioxidant capacities of anthocyanins extracts of wild Lonicera caerulea berry, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2016, 36: 48-58.

11. Suwen Liu, Xuedong Chang, Xiufeng Liu, Zhanwei Shen. Effects of pretreatments on anthocyanin composition, phenolics contents and antioxidant capacities during fermentation of hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida) drink, Food Chemistry, 2016, 212, 87-95.

12. Suwen Liu, Xuan Zhang, Lu You, Zhaoyuan Guo, Xuedong Chang. Changes in anthocyanin profile, color, and antioxidant capacity of hawthorn wine (Crataegus pinnatifida) during storage by pretreatments, LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2018, 95179–95186.

13. Suwen Liu, Lu You, Yuhua Zhao, Xuedong Chang*. Wild Lonicera caerulea berry polyphenol extract reduces cholesterol accumulation and enhances antioxidant capacity in vitro and in vivo, Food Research International, 2018, 107, 73-83.

14. Suwen Liu, Zhanyi Wu, Shuo Guo, Xianjun Meng, Xuedong Chang*. Polyphenol-rich extract from wild Lonicera caerulea berry reduces cholesterol accumulation by mediating the expression of hepatic miR-33 and miR-122, HMGCR, and CYP7A1 in rats, Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 40, 648-658.

15. Suwen Liu, Xiaoying Li, Zhaoyuan Guo, Xuan Zhang, and Xuedong Chang*. Polyphenol Content, Physicochemical Properties, Enzymatic Activity, Anthocyanin Profiles, and Antioxidant Capacity of Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok. Genotypes, Journal of Food Quality, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/ 5479565.

16. Suwen Liu, Qianqian Sui, Jian Zou, Yanxue Zhao, Xuedong Chang*. Protective effects of hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida) polyphenol extract against UVB-induced skin damage by modulating the p53 mitochondrial pathway in vitro and in vivo[J]. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019; 43: e12708.

17. Suwen Liu, Xuedong Chang, Xiufeng Liu, Wenhong Jiang, Xiaofeng Ma. The effect of process parameters and microstructural changes on a new convenience food by quick-frozen paste-coated mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, 52(3):1304–1315.

18. Suwen Liu, Lijie Liu, Pengbao Shi and Xuedong Chang. Optimising pulsed microwave-vacuum puffing for Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) caps and comparison of characteristics obtained using three puffing methods, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2014, 49(9): 2111-2119.

19. Suwen Liu, Xuedong Chang*, Zizi Song. Study on Flammulina velutipes ready -to-eat snacks prepared by microwave vacuum osmotic dehydration combined with hot-air drying. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2016, 39, 357-365.

20. Jinyan Zhu, Yuehua Wang, Xinghe Li, Bin Li, Suwen Liu, Nan Chang, Ding Jie, Chong Ning, Haiyan Gao, Xianjun Meng*, Combined effect of ultrasound, heat, and pressure on Escherichia coli O157:H7, polyphenol oxidase activity, and anthocyanins in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) juice. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017, 37, 251–259.

21. Yuehua Wang, Jinyan Zhu, Xianjun Meng*, Suwen Liu, Jingjing Mu, Cong Ning, Comparison of polyphenol, anthocyanin and antioxidant capacity in four varieties of Lonicera caerulea berry extracts, Food Chemistry, 2016, 197 522–529.

22. Chong Ning, Xiyao Wang, Song Gao, Jingjing Mu, Yuehua Wang, Suwen Liu, Jinyan Zhu and Xianjun Meng*, Chicory inulin ameliorates type 2 diabetes mellitus and suppresses JNK and MAPK pathways in vivo and in vitro. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2017, 61, 8, 1600673.

23. Jincheng Yu, Wenhong Jiang, Shuyu Wang, Suwen Liu*, Donglin Shi, Hao WangXuedong Chang. Microencapsulated hawthorn berry polyphenols alleviate exercise fatigue in mice by regulating AMPK signaling pathway and balancing intestinal microflora[J]. Journal of Functional Foods,2022,97,105255.

24. Xinfang Wang, Yue Li, Suwen Liu, Hao Wang, Xuedong Chang and Jingzheng Zhang. Chestnut Shell Polyphenols Inhibit the Growth of Three Food-Spoilage Bacteria by Regulating Key Enzymes of Metabolism, Foods, 2023, 12, 3312.

25. 刘素稳,吴瞻邑,由 璐,常学东. 山楂果胶低聚半乳糖醛酸提取物对中波紫外线辐射HaCaT细胞氧化损伤和光老化的保护作用,食品科学,2018, 39, 21, 210-218.

26. 方园,代银银,刘素稳*常学东.制备方式对山楂果胶理化特性的影响.食品科学. 2021, 42(11):130-136.

27. 由璐,赵艳雪,刘素稳*. 花色苷分子结构修饰及其生理活性研究进展, 食品科学,201940,351-359.

28. 璐,赵艳雪,隋茜茜,刘士琦,刘素稳* ,常学东. 山楂果胶低聚半乳糖醛酸( PGA) 酸奶饮料 工艺优化及 PGA 对乳酸菌的抑制作用. 食品工业科技,2019,15148-154.

29. 隋茜茜, 余金橙, 朱金艳, 赵艳雪, 刘素稳*, 李明明, 李璐仪, 吕文玥. 秦皇岛海域食用贝类重金属污染情况分析,食品工业科技,2020,10. 196-202.

30. 刘素稳, 赵希艳, 常学东,刘雪娇. 机械剪切与研磨超微粉碎对海鲜菇粉体特性的影响, 中国食品学报, 2015,15(1): 99-107.


1. 河北省科技进步奖三等奖,山楂产业关键技术创新与应用,2021,第2

2. 河北省山区创业奖三等奖,食用菌膨化食品开发及应用(JS2013339-1),第1

3. 河北省科技进步奖三等奖,ß-葡萄糖苷酶生产工艺技术及其在葡萄酒中的应用(2013JB3109-5)第5

4. 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖,2018 ,第4


1.一种山楂豆瓣酱及其加工方法,专利号:ZL 201510807669.6

2. 一种高色度山楂酒及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL201810225813.9

3. 一种山楂多酚发酵果醋饮料及其制备工艺,专利号:ZL20201124.786.6

4. 一种安梨复合果汁饮料,专利号:ZL201210404157.1

5. 欧李罐头,专利号:ZL201210404176.4





4.河北省教育厅重点项目:山楂多酚-壳聚糖纳米微粒制备、结构表征及功能性评价,ZD2021052, 2021.01-2023.12

5. 河北省重点研发计划项目:兴隆山楂产业关键技术研究与产业化开发23317102D2023.6-2025.6,项目负责人。

6. 河北省现代农业产业技术体系桃产业创新团队建设项目:保鲜加工岗位团队,HBCT20231302012022.1.12026.12.31




10.校博士基金项目:蓝靛果多酚活化SIRT1通路调控巨噬细胞泡沫化的分子机制(2018YB006)2018.01- 2020.12.




14. 企业横向课题:预制禽肉菜肴加工技术开发及产业化应用,20231058, 2023.9-2024.12. 主持。




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